Foster Pups

Fostering puppies is one of the most rewarding things you could ever do!

We have been fortunate to be able to ‘give something back’ to the animal community over time. Sadly, more than 100,000 pets are abandoned in France every year. So, we do what we can to help!

As foster carers for Les Amis des Animaux (Hautes-Pyrénées) and Mr Bojangles Rescue (Castelsarrasin), we continue to play our part as and find forever homes for some of the most gorgeous pups you have ever seen. Sadly, it is an ongoing battle across France and around the world, and for every puppy or dog rehomed, there are always many more to take their place. If you’re thinking of getting a puppy, or dog, get in touch with these fantastic rescues. We are sure they will have the perfect companion for you.

ADOPT, don’t shop!

Become a Foster Carer

Howevver, if you are not in a position to adopt quite yet, have you ever considered becoming a foster carer? We cannot rate it highly enough. Unfortunately, foster carers seem to be a bit scarce these days which makes it very hard on those fostering already when the puppy season starts! Whether yo can help with puppies, newborns, young dogs or old lifetimers, you will always welcomed with open arms.

We are in a fortunate position that all our foster pups have access to lots of good socialising with other dogs through our dog boarding and day care business.